Our Programs

Since 1998, Youth Action Project (YAP) has held open the window of opportunity for historically underserved Inland Empire youth.  Founded on the principle of “nothing about me without me”, YAP began as a youth-driven platform centered on promoting youth agency.  YAP has since evolved to become a comprehensive youth-serving organization with programs that address academic achievement, workforce preparation, and personal development.

YAP has spent 20 years developing systems for youth outreach, connection, and development.

Today, YAP has developed three primary program elements:

YAP is also a proud partner of Listos – California for All. 

Listos California Emergency Preparedness Campaign is an effort based on an investment of public funds by Governor Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers, to ready our most vulnerable populations for disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and floods, and now public health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, before disasters strike.

Learn more at listoscalifornia.org.